Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Farewell, my friend

Today marked the last day that my dear friend,
Jessie, was a member of our family. Perhaps there are some who would say that I shouldn't be affected by her departure - afterall, I haven't seen her in a year, since she lives with my parents in the Great White North. But the fact of the matter is, I probably won't get to see her again. (No, she is not dead, but I will explain in a moment).

Jessica was just a puppy when my brother took her off his boss's hands. Living on the 13th floor of a Toronto apartment with an owner who was gone 12 hours a day was not the best situation for a border collie-huskey-german sheppard. Things improved slightly when he moved into a house with a bunch of guys, but he was forced to keep her outside all day while he was gone to work.

My parents claimed they wouldn't help him out when he first got her, but when they met her, it was love at first sight. They offered to take her for a while while he got settled in his new house. Once she got to their place, that was it. She was Mommy's baby. (To the extent that I was told I was in the guest room, yet the sunroom was called "Jessie's room"). My parents are practical people - they love their pets, but never forgot they are pets. The dogs in the past were allowed in the house, but were restricted to only one room. Jess was different. She truly was a member of the family. Mom spoke to her like she was a child and it was a ritual that she watched tv with them in the evening (unless hockey was on - than she would get scared and hide since she knew Mom could get hyper) - dogs had previously been forbidden from being in the livingroom.

When I graduated university and was living/working at home while waiting on my immigration, Jessie was my bud. She'd sit with me while I'd chat on the computer - either laying at my feet or, especially when she sensed I was depressed, sitting with her head on my lap. She was a great listener too - never passed judgement. And it was rare that playing with her thick, soft fur couldn't make me feel better. She must have liked me somewhat too - when I did finally move out, she was depressed for a couple of months. moping outside my old bedroom and occasionally going inside and whining.

Mom and Dad moved last week. They left the 5 acre place in the country(ish) for a MUCH smaller place in town. Between moving into town and her behaviour with the guide-dogs-in-training that Dad works with now, they decided that it might be better to put her on a farm. We talked a lot about her coming here, but it wouldn't be fair with all the hours that I work and Shannon's unpredictable schedule. Plus Shannon and I are further apart on dog issues than we are on kids. In the end, the people who bought the old house took Jessie too. At least she can stay in her home with people she seems to like.

I will miss you, my dear friend.


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