Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Break In

Generally, I go to bed quite a bit earlier than my husband. For one thing, I get up before 6:00 and he's still in bed at 8:00. He also doesn't need as much sleep. Most nights, he comes and lays down with me for a while until I fall asleep and then gets up to go back to the computer or watch Napoleon Dynamite for the MILLIONTH time. Sometimes, he falls asleep with me (mostly unintentionally).

Monday night was one of those "fall asleep with me" nights. I was tired as it was and went upstairs around 10:00. We talked for a few minutes, but were probably asleep by 10:30. At 11:30, both of us were in a deep sleep when we were awoken by a loud crash. Disoriented, we lay there for a couple of minutes. I heard barking and whining, but figured it was one of the neighbours dogs - until I realized IT WAS FROM OUR FAMILY ROOM DOWNSTAIRS.

We went over to the stairs and confirmed we were hearing right. Going down, we saw an older medium-sized puppy. Our family room windows are at ground level, and one was open with just a screen between us and the elements. The dog had pushed hard enough on the screen to break off the snaps holding it to the frame. The crash we had heard was the screen falling down and the fan on the window sill being knocked off. Being scared, it had peed all over the (laminate) floor. We saw it hiding underneath Shannon's computer desk, pulling on various cables as it shifted around. It took us FOREVER to get it from under the desk - luckily, it was very good natured and only licked our hands instead of biting them. Its coat looked well maintained and clean and it had a collar on, but no tags.

We managed to get it out to the garage and closed the door to the house. Shannon couldn't get the garage door closed before the dog was back inside, sitting at the door to the house, looking up and wagging its tail. Anytime we tried to move it, it would give us slobbery kisses. Finally we got it outside and Shannon came back in the front door. The dog proceeded to scratch and bang at the (now closed) window.

By morning it had left - since it was healthy, I'm assuming (hoping) it was a neighbour's dog who just got loose and was attracted to the fact that we had a light on.

That night, it was bound and determined that we would be its new family. If it hadn't startled us so much out of a deep sleep, it might have gotten its wish.


At 7:10 PM, Blogger Janey said...

I hope the dog comes back ... it was awfully sweet. Hard to make good decisions when woken from a sound sleep ....

At 3:52 AM, Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

I loved how you told this story!
I hope the dog comes back if you will have him!

Well just stopping by. I replied to you on my blog but a small shout out and to tell you Thank you on a more personal level for your words of support!

If you do make it to Salt Lake sometime to visit the mountains give me a shout! You would LOVE the park city area.

But then again who wouldn't love a cruise?!!!! My parents did the Alaska one two times and loved it. I never have been up there but would love to go!

At 3:54 PM, Blogger rachel fuller said...

janey, hey, send me your address so i can send yur prizes! my email is xx

At 3:55 PM, Blogger rachel fuller said...

janey, hey, send me your address so i can send yur prizes! my email is xx

At 1:37 PM, Blogger Dale said...

Dear Janey

Thanks for your kind comment on my blog. It does sometimes feel lonely in blogland.
I grew up in the Laurentian Mountains & I can appreciate the difference between them & "real" mountains. I live in the Canadian Rockies (an hour or so from Banff). Now THESE are mountains!
Love the dog story.
I have to go now, but will keep in touch with a fellow Canadian.


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