Sunday, January 14, 2007

Another pregnancy update

First, I am feeling SO much better. I am still coughing a little and still tired, but the tiredness could also be due to the pregnancy. I had an appointment at the OB's on Wednesday and met with the same nurse practitioner that I saw for the last bout of walking pneumonia and she couldn't get over how much better I looked and sounded.

The pregnancy is still going fine. I got to hear the heartbeat on Wednesday again and it was loud and clear as soon as she put the doppler on my stomach. We couldn't get a reading on the rate because my heartbeat was interferring and the nursing assistant didn't have a watch on to do a manual count, but it was still quite reassuring to hear it so steady and strong. I had been nervous after all the drugs I've had to take. (Speaking of which, gotta run and take my prenatal!)

(back) I'm still nauseous a lot of the time, although it is not as bad as it was prior to me starting to drink real ginger ale (with ginger, not ginger flavour). Until tonight, I hadn't been sick to my stomach in almost 2 weeks. I had been taking my prenatals in the morning because I was less likely to forget, but when I started actually being sick, I was afraid of not retaining any vitamins - now I take them with dinner, although I don't tend to eat much at night.

It's hard to believe I am a quarter of the way there!


At 10:34 AM, Blogger Dale said...

Janey - you're pregnant!


I can empathise with how you're feeling...I had Type A Influenza (aka Asian Flu) at the beginning of the first trimester of my first pregnancy.
I didn't know I was pregnant at the time, and thought I was going to die...

I hope you're feeling better quickly - you should start "blossoming" soon!

Happy New Year!

At 11:42 AM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

Hmm.....getting sick doesn't sound like too much fun!! Maybe your baby will be immune to all the colds you've had since Christmastime....there's always a silver lining....

At 7:56 PM, Blogger Janey said...

Dale - Thanks! I'm quite tired, but I think that is the 68 hours that I just worked this week!

Mar - I hope so! Hopefully that is the last I have to go through this pregnancy!

At 7:14 PM, Blogger Janey said...

Not really better yet - if I run out of the (real) ginger ale, I really pay for it and still have the same level of nausea right now, but the first trimester is not quite over!


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