Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I'm Sorry, Josh

It's been a while since I have posted. Work and a total lack of desire of being on the computer (although I've done some ever exciting tax returns) has kept me away. Other than work, only a couple of things have really happened.

On Jan 31st, I headed down to Memphis to take my citizenship test. There was a big deal in the news about the ball player that just passed his with 100% - big deal. He studied for a year, I studied for a month and I got the same freakin' score. Where's my picture on Fox News? I had absolutely no trouble with the official questions and answered them before he was finished asking the questions. He even threw in 2 extra ones - the first which I got, the second which I should have gotten. Why should I have gotten it? My friend Josh (see title) quizzed me on that exact question only days before and I just brushed him off, saying it wasn't an official question and I didn't have to know it. Please forgive me, wise one! I told the immigration official that I was nervous about the English language proficiency test since people here at work made fun of how I talked and told me that I didn't sound Southern - which to them equates to unAmerican. The official laughed and said I wouldn't have that problem with him - he was a Yankee. The test was a joke. I had to read the sentence "It is sunny outside today" and write the sentence "His wife is at work now" - amazingly, I passed! Anyway, it had to be reviewed by one more official and then I will find out when and where I have to swear in. Luckily, no more Memphis - it will be Greeneville, Knoxville or Chattanooga. Oh, and yes dear Canadian friends, I will retain my Canadian citizenship. You can take the Canuck out of Canada, but can't take the Canuck out of the girl!

My pregnancy is going well. I'm still quite tired and have a little siactic pain, but nothing too severe. I've heard the heartbeat 4 times now, with the last time being 175. If the old wives' tale can be relied on, I'm having a girl. I have had a quickie ultrasound (because I looked pitiful and asked for one), but we couldn't tell the gender. That will either be next week at my next appointment (the OB is getting a new U/S machine and I might be used as a guinea pig) or at my 20 week U/S. Can't wait!


At 3:02 PM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

Geez, I thought I commented on here ages ago. I must be going senile.

Congrats on passing your Kindergarten level citizenship test. Even if someone couldn't speak English, the sentence you had to write is hardly enough to ensure they do!! I'm glad to hear you keep your Canadian citizenship, though....you might have been banned from Tim Horton's for giving that up! *L*

Cute pics - keep me updated!

At 5:50 PM, Blogger Janey said...

It really was a joke. Not sure why I haven't been told about the swearing in ceremony.

Heck no, I can't be banned from Timmy's!!!!


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