Thursday, March 29, 2007

What Do You Think?

Here's a shot of me from last night. My mother-in-law now thinks that I am having a boy based on the fact I am carrying the same way she did for her two. Everyone else thinks definitely girl, although there hasn't been much weight gain in the hips or butt (unless I keep eating like I have!!!) Hopefully we will have the verdict in just over 7 hours!!


At 8:37 AM, Blogger Janey said...

The thing about Walmart that bugs me the most is the people without a single clue. Don't take 50 items into an express lane. Don't put your cigarette into your mouth while standing at the cash even though you can't light up until you are outside. Do learn at least marginally correct grammar. Sadly, the last time I was in the Cornwall Walmart, it wasn't much better :(


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