Friday, October 21, 2005

Friday Night Ramblings

It is 10:18 (at least at the start of this entry), and what I am doing? I am here with you ... my friends ... even those that are boneheads and lurk and only comment on my entries in emails months later.

Actually, here, at 10:21, I haven't been home from work long. For those that have followed me over from my msn space, you'll remember my rant on my profession ... how people think I am important when I talk about working 12 hour days and think I have such a worthwhile, meaningful, alturistic career and then it turns out that I am just an accountant .... Today was a 13.5 hour day with no real breaks (other than driving from one end of the plant to the other for meetings). It's a good thing my group has the same twisted sense of humour that I do ... long days are much more bearable when you don't have to stay serious and focused every minute of the day. I have to go into work fairly early tomorrow (Saturday) since we have a slightly after noon deadline.

So, at 10:25, I am doing nothing more exciting then playing on my email / delphi forums / blogger (luv ya Rachel/Mikey/Simon/Dale/BallerinaGurl!) Some say that the net is such a waste of time. I have to admit - there are many times I feel guilty about the time I spend on here when I could be more productive, especially in terms of housework! I look back to '95 or '96, the years before I started learning the ways of the chat, and think of how much I enjoyed reading books. I don't have time for that now ... at least, not like I would maybe like. Then I think that my free time was because I had a much less stressful (but less interesting!) job and lived with Mom and Dad. Has NOTHING to do with hours spent reading about / chatting with people I don't really know.

But is the net such a waste? Perhaps without it, I would have lost touch with dear friends from my youth. It is much more convenient to drop a line or two from time to time online then have to make time to write letters, find stamps and actually snail mail. Without it, my phone bill to my sister and parents would be a lot higher (although I still love calling and chatting!) Without it, I wouldn't have made some really great friends. Heleen, Julie, Ali, Wendy and the like ... can't imagine my life without them now. Who knows what friends the future will bring? The net brings me my new favourite program, and related blogging, of "In the Attic" - will it also bring friends that I will be holding near and dear years from now?

Of course, here at 10:34, I can't forget the great gift of the net. 8.5 years ago I started chatting to my darling hubby ... who I met through my friend Jay ... who I met through my university friend Laura who had met Jay online .... and Jay met Shannon online ..... Yes, maybe 3 hours a night in the early days puts me in the loser category (like Kip from "Napoleon Dynamite"!), but is a budding relationship with someone you originally met online (although we met in person before starting to date!) REALLY a waste of time? My parents, who love Shannon to death, would still say yes .... before adding a "giggle giggle". Even now, after being married over 5 years, we'll message from across the room just for old times. Waste of time? It makes us laugh and lightens the day, so I would say "no".

But now, at 10:41, my contacts are feeling scratchy and I think I might plonk on the couch for a bit before bed. Shannon's off camping, and I think that this has proven that I am not so much of a bachelorette anymore.

Off topic, Sara, here's my hair now (keeping in mind that it now 16 hours since I did my hair, or even my makeup for that matter!):


At 3:41 AM, Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

Janey no hard feelings please. I just did more PR for my map and I didn't recognize the people on your to be Fuller fans. If I do happen to be awarded any sort of a prize I will send it your way! Then go and pout!


At 8:39 AM, Blogger Janey said...

You're nutty! I responded more you on your blog. It's all good :)


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