Monday, December 12, 2005

Great Weekend

First, let's get the not good news out of the way. My mother is still trying to get a hold of a doctor to get an update on my brother and my sister-in-law is not keeping in touch very well. Mom has a bad cold and can't see him in the hospital, so she is not heading to Cali right now. My sister did get a hold of my sister-in-law and my brother is out of his coma, but he's not really responding. His eyes are blank and mostly stares at the ceiling. Although the doctors didn't think there was kidney damage, his kidneys still aren't functioning on their own. :(

The good news: I had a Christmas party last night. There were actually 5 of us who planned it and my house was most central. It was a Girls Night Out Christmas party for the ladies in our department. 9 of us were there and we had so much fun. There was way too much food and drink and since I didn't have to drive .... Kodiak thought it was the best thing every - people were there to see him!

Trying to get ready, I also got to get onto the Basement Jam loop chat and lo and behold, Rachel was there. Wickedly cool.


At 10:07 AM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

Hopefully your brother will come around. At least being out of the coma is good news. Will your Mom go to California when she's over her cold?

*sigh* I had to miss the Basement Jam chat. Had to pick up band oranges and grapefruit at Aunt Alison's, and she wanted us to stay for dinner. We didn't get home for long after the chat was over!

Your party sounds like it was fun. We have another east-coaster's party this weekend coming - should be fun!

At 2:45 PM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

Just got your Christmas card - so cute!!!!

At 4:56 PM, Blogger Dale said...

Oh Janey

I am so sorry to hear about your brother. Good to hear his is out of the coma.
I will say a prayer for him.

My aunt & uncle used to live in Rigaud - right on the lake.
I learned to ski at Mont St Sauveur in the Laurentians.
I am going to my Christmas party on Saturday night (after skiing...).
I might take a moment to say hi on Molly's chat.

If you ever want to take a trip West our door is open!


At 6:57 AM, Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

I have had your brother in our prayers. Glad to hear he is out of the coma even if not totally himself again. Baby steps sometimes!

I am here for you if you need a friend!

Your baby is totally right.. they were there to see HIM! LOL How cute.


At 9:53 AM, Blogger Janey said...

Mary - Mom decided to just send the money that she would have spent on the trip to help with bills. He's starting to do better and she couldn't really do much there to help. Have fun at your East-coasters party - just over a week until I'm up at your joint!

Dale - thanks. He's doing a better better. We continue to pray/hope. I appreciate the offer for the trip west!

Molly - thanks, sweetie. I really believe that prayer works.


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