Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Say a prayer

My older half-brother (43 y.o.) went into a diabetic coma on Tuesday. I don't think anyone (including him and his wife) knew that he even had diabetes. He's in ICU on the other side of the country (and different country from my parents and sister). Since his pancreas is shot and there is something wrong with his lungs, he's on dialysis and a respirator. He's responding minimally, and the doctors aren't saying his prognosis. His sugar was off the charts it was so high. To top it off, they don't have insurance (or even a job in his case). His wife thinks that he will be home before Christmas - the rest of us don't feel that optimistic. Please keep him in your thoughts/prayers.


At 7:15 AM, Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

Oh MY Sweetie! I am so so sorry! That is sure stressful! I will keep you in our prayers and especially him!

Thank you for your sweet post over on mine regarding my Grandpa! It means a lot to me!

At 9:46 AM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

Oh wow - just in case anything happens, it's good that you and your parents got to see him this summer. But we'll hope he gets better soon and everything will be fine!

At 12:24 PM, Blogger Janey said...

Thanks, ladies. We haven't heard anything new - all we know that if he makes it, he will be on dialysis the rest of this life.

At 4:12 PM, Blogger Kid Ric said...

I am so sorry to hear. My prayers are with him.

Standard message sent to fans:
The 4 hour Basement Jam loop is up and running smoothly. Three cheers for Rachel Fuller , Pete Townshend and the team at eelpie!!

I don't know about you but I'm ready for a party! I will be hosting the "In the Basement" loop chat and be in Ballerina Gurl's chat - - around 5:15 pm eastern time Sunday December 11. I tried to base this time around the majority. Sorry if it does not fit your schedule? I have invited a special mystery guest co-host, who has excepted, and you never know who else may honor us with an appearance. The loop should start at 5:30 pm. eastern. You are cordially invited to stop by and join us. Thanks.

Peace, love and light.

At 3:58 AM, Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

Said another prayer for him in my personal prayers today. I sure hope he makes least dialysis is better than a coma and his wife can enjoy him for a while more.


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