Sunday, November 20, 2005

A Month!

In one month, I will be back in my home and native land. I am so excited - I haven't been back in 15 months and I haven't been with my parents at Christmas since the year before I moved down here (so last Christmas there was 2000).

I still won't get to Toronto to see my sister and her family, nor will my fabulous friend, Sara, be able to make it from Vancouver, but there is still so many great people I am going to get to see. Little Baby Benny probably won't be home either - he's heavily involved in his business and probably will have bookings over the holidays (that's Wolf Den Bunkhouse n' Cabins in case you are wanting a woodsy getaway!)

I will at least get to see Mary, Crystal, Kristina, and the gang from Welch! I've known the first 3 for over half my lifetime .... met them all in grade 9 and was best friends with Mary until the evilness that was the bad David (not to be confused with good David) got between us. Here we are, still great friends after all these years. It's always great to get together and recap - although now that Mary (and also Sara) is a blogging monster, we keep up on each other better. Here's a pic of Mary and I when we were 16. (I went looking for a band picture of Mary, Kristina and I, but couldn't find it - yes, we were band geeks).

The hardest part will be leaving "our son" behind for 8 nights. We have people watching our house, but we don't want them tied to a puppy who still will need to be let out often. Hopefully he will meet new friends at camp. I'll probably be an emotional wreck by the second day without him.


At 7:39 PM, Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

Hey sweetie...I am back if you want to chat. I just left my blog up on my comp. Come back. I am blogging and checking eBay and come visit. I will log into the chat room for you!

See you soon I hope!

At 9:18 PM, Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

Hey where did you go? I am waiting in there for you! LOL

At 10:06 AM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

Oh my GOD - LOOK at that picture!! I haven't seen that in ages! My hair is almost that long again now. Obviously that was on the trip to Washington/Niagara Falls. Youhave your The Stand t-shirt on -I remember that one! I still have the shirt you painted for me with the little Glengarry piper guy on it. Ick, what is up with that Goofy shirt???

Awww...such nice things you said about us! Curse that bad David *hiss, hiss, hiss* - I should have never let him come betwixt us. Ah, youth, and bad choices. Well, I'm sure he is now a bum playing his tuba on a street corner for quarters (pretty sure he dropped out of univ.), so we can both have the last laugh.

It will be great to se you when you come. Can't wait to show you the new house. I'm sure a stop at Tim's will be of utmost priority on your list! I recommend staying away from the new "hot smoothie" they have, though...the raspberry one looks like Pepto Bismol *blech*.

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Janey said...

Yeah, look at my glasses! I was such a fashion victim back then.

We should go wandering downtown and see if we can see David busking .... I better pack my Music Excellence award to taunt him with since that burned him up that I beat him out for that MUHAHAHAHAHA

You know, I can be a bitch :)

At 10:19 AM, Blogger Janey said...

Oh, and "busking" is a word that no one down here has ever heard about. I had to educate them on that (we were talking options for if we ever got fired)

At 9:48 AM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

Really?? What do they call busking, then? "Street people"? Same as Eavestroughs - Aunt Monica was like "You want to get what?" I guess their word is "gutters", which, coincidentally, is where bad David now sleeps and plays the tuba. Muhahahahahaha.

I had forgotten about the music excellence award! Don't know why he would think he deserved it, after talking back to Mr. V that time in class and subsequently being thrown out when we were trying to identify what chord was being played on the piano - do you remember that one?

At 4:46 PM, Blogger Dale said...

Dear Janey

It's snowing!
Finally - I was beginning to get a bit worried...

Are those your old Glengarry pals?
I think that county is one of the greatests places. I can't think of any place more Scottish, save Scotland itself!

Hope you have a great time back in Canada over the Holidays.

Happy 2nd Thanksgiving!


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