Friday, November 04, 2005

Lab? Haha!

Ok, the official word from the vet is almost definitely no lab in Kodiak. She thought heeler was a good possibility. On one hand, great - heelers are really smart dogs. On the other hand - another hyper, bored easily dog that can get distructive when bored. Maybe he has part lazy dog in him to balance him out!

I'm off today. For the beginning of November, it is bloody gorgeous. It has been cloudless all week and should be in the 70s today. I'm going to go workout on my elliptical before going and running errands. Some time today, we're going to go to the park for a walk. He's a good influence.


At 9:59 AM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

Aww, how could I be mad at you for shopping at Payless, my friend of 15 years? Ah yes, jewellery redeems you - eeeeexcelent. The secret is to keep pushing for more! :o)

I was wondering how a Jack Russel and a Lab would mate...pretty big with pretty small! Anyway, Kodiak is a cutie no matter what he is. I'm sure how you train him will influence how well behaved (or not) he is, regardless of the breed. You MUST dress him up for Christmas while he's still little and take a picture - that would make a great Christmas card!

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

Awww saw your message! YEP no loop yet I guess. Oh well. I tried to chat last night since I have a ton of work to do online. Perhaps another time!

Hey about your least he is cute, you love him, and he is yours! Thats all that counts!!

Have fun shopping! I am home today, except for the gym. Did a lot of retail therapy yesterday so I am pooped, till tomorrow! hehehe

At 3:05 PM, Blogger Janey said...

MB - we've already gotten our cards made, but I might have to take a picture to put in cards for special people :)

Molly - Love my muttly mutt, especially now that it is fun watching him wind "Daddy" - who was never allowed to have a dog before - around his little paw.

At 9:05 AM, Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

darling! "around his paw"-LOL

At 11:44 AM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

You should think about buying a trombone down there. It might scare poor Kodie for a little while, though!

Yes, we do have a piano here - we got it off of Mom and Dad's neighbour who's husband died (he was the one who played the piano, so she didn't need it anymore). Plays pretty good! I'm once again playing Bach's Fugue in D minor - do you remember that from Band in Grade 13? I just love it on the piano.


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