Friday, March 10, 2006

Sweet and Psycho - my pup

Ok, so here's another post already. See, that's how I get in the mood - I post that I'm not!

This is my sweet angel boy showing his alternate personality.



My boys


At 8:45 AM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

Even though Kodie is so cute, those teeth and that snarl would make any robber run for his life! Maybe you have a guard dog in the making...but then again, Pepper could look awfully scary too, baring her teeth and growling if you showed her an orange peel, but if someone tried to rob us, she just would have rolled over for a stomach rub.

At 9:14 AM, Blogger Janey said...

He's so very vicious ... small birds and skittish deer run for their lives when he appears at the back door!

At 10:28 AM, Blogger Dale said...

Dear Janey

I have not visited in a while & it was fun catching up on your blog.
The ballet & weekend with your hubbie sounds like fun. I LOVE the movie Excalibur, as I am a huge King Arthur fan.
I have read many books pertaining to the legend.
Your Kodiak is growing up. What teeth! He's such a sweetie in the top photo.
Right now our neighbour's cat is scratching at our door. They have gone to Mexico for a week & their kitty is lonely. He plays with our cat all the time & has decided to make our home his for the duration!

It was fun chatting yesterday!

Take care.

At 4:32 AM, Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

Love the pics of Kodie! How fun! Sorry to miss you the other day on messenger. I was so off and on the computer. I have been preparing and cleaning the house and everyone knows I am immaculate but not a cleaner...I know sounds in order to stay focused I take blogging or internet breaks. LOL so is that just the most lame excuse you have ever heard? Rachel made me do it! LOL

At 10:24 PM, Blogger Janey said...

Dale - The ballet was fabulous. Shannon said he could definitely be talked into going again if it was anything like Carmina Burana.

The furbaby is back to being sweet - he's asleep! Seriously, he brings us such joy.

Molly - we'll catch up one of these days! I guess it will have to be after your trip to Cali and after Charlotte's visit.

At 12:24 PM, Blogger Paul said...

Cute little wild dog!

At 1:17 PM, Blogger Janey said...

Thanks, Paul. He's my dollbaby.


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