Sunday, January 29, 2006

I am so old

No, I'm not talking about the fact that in two months I can no longer say I am 29 with a straight face.

Tuesday night, I went to my first ever hip hop dance class. First, let me say that my manager invited FIFTEEN of us to go to this and a couple of hours before there were THREE that were planning on going. She ended up having to stay at work and the other person was under the impression that we were going to call her, which I didn't know. So, I was alone. Alone in a room of 2 dozen strangers, most of them teenagers.

Why hip hop? I don't listen to the stuff, although if a catchy one is on the radio when I am flipping by, I will stop and listen to it. Michelle (my manager) and I have both taken ballroom and want to learn all kinds of different dances. Even when I faced being there alone, I decided to stay - (1) to learn and (2) because it was a form of exercise when I am desparately lacking on time to normally get much exercise in.

It was fun. But I am old.

First, the little girl leading the class seemed so much younger than less than 10 years my junior. The key thing she tried to teach us is that (1) we weren't there for anyone other than ourselves and (2) hip hop is all about ATTITUDE. By the end of class, I was working my bad self, which is a huge accomplishment because I can tend to be really self-conscious in situations like this.

The biggest "old factor" though was that ..... *sigh* ... I found myself making comments (in my head) that 10 years ago I would have rolled my eyes at my mom for. What has become of me? First, young ladies, that's great that you are not embarrassed about any weight issues you might have. I applaud you for that and wish I had more of that, but .... BUT tight t-shirts do not make you look sexier, especially if that results in a large roll between your shirt and your track pants. Oh, and chickie in the pink tracksuit - you were great, throwing yourself into it, but no one should wear almost transparent pink pants - I didn't need to know that you were wearing white underwear with black flowers. Oh, and when you are a triple D cup, you probably should wear at least some form of support. I'd hate to see you knock yourself out flinging those things around. Little instructor girl - you were awesome. You brought me out of my shell and gave me moves I've never had before. BUT when you wear your trackpants low so that you have a couple of inches of underwear showing and complain as you roll up your pant bottoms about stepping on them, all I can say is maybe you should pull your pants up a little. I know, I know, novel idea.

Anyways, I did sign up for the full 6 weeks, although this week might be iffy if I get there - deadlines, month end closing approaching, etc might get in the way, but I really do want to go. And not just to have more catty comments!


At 10:02 PM, Blogger Dale said...

Dear Janey

Hats/toques off to you for attending the hip hop class!
Do you realise the girl leading the class would be 20 years younger than me?
I think you should follow through, but only as long as you enjoy it.

Thanks for commenting on my blog. I know that eyes are really hard & that's where I started on this particular piece.
I am very new at this & it was only an experiment at first.
The nose - well...
Check my next post.


verification: hrnoxcac

At 7:24 PM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

Ahh, yes...the comments that sweep through my head often are like that too!! David is the worst with noticing and commenting on stuff like that - I always say he's a grumpy old man before his time. *L*

Just look at it as that you're more mature and refined then them - they have a lot of growing up to do!

At 6:25 PM, Blogger Dale said...

Dear Janey

I feel very old today. Stiff & sore for no reason.
I've not been feeling well for about a month now. Not like me...

I'm looking forward to bouncing back!

BTW you've been tagged!
Post 5 things that we should know about you.

Take care.


At 7:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh, it sounds like you had fun. I just started a salsa class and so I can relate to the comment-making. I'm a bitch inside my head too :D

At 9:29 PM, Blogger Heather said...

You go girl! (And I'm right with you on all of the catty comments!)


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