Friday, February 10, 2006

Alright Dale et al, here you go

I really should be working on my grocery list (yes, it is one of *those* Friday nights) so that I can get to the grocery store and get back to get on the elliptical, but I'm feeling guilty (see #4) that it has now been 2 weeks since I was first tagged and I have since been tagged four other times.

These are in no particular order:

1. I can't stand a sink full of dishes. My house can (and sometimes is) cluttered and it doesn't necessarily spur me into action, but more than a couple of dishes in my sink drives me mental. Can I get a woo hoo on finally getting a dishwasher in this new house?

2. I came |-| this close to being a professional musician. I've played instruments (started with clarinet and graduated to trombone and piano for the most part) since I was 10, but performing on the trombone was almost always a thrill. Nothing like the rush of a great song coming together. I even applied to McGill University, but dropped that idea before my audition. I LOVE playing, not big on practising. Heck, I quit piano lessons when I was 16 because my required 45 minutes a day was lucky to be 45 minutes a week. I would have had to go back and take my conservatory tests (only had actually taken theory exams) for piano, plus got private lessons for the trombone, and probably would have ended up a teacher. Nope, not for me.

3. My parttime job through school (from grade 8 until partway through college) was in an egg grading plant. We were the largest grading station in Quebec and owned by the largest commercial chicken farm in Canada. It stunk, it was messy and I pretty much hated it, but it paid better than pretty much any other job out there for someone my age, I got a good number of hours (weekends during the school year, fair amount of work throughout the week in the summer) and it helped me with my French (which helped me get the French award/bursary when I graduated high school).

4. I have guilt issues. I constantly worry after I've said or done something that it could have been taken the wrong way. Too bad I have foot-in-mouth-itis anyways. I still feel guilty for the first time I snapped at my husband ..... 7 years ago.

5. I used to be a casual smoker. Not just cigarettes when I was drinking (everyone does that), but my friend Sara and I would go to the cigar lounge next to the dance club and smoke and play cheese. Oh yeah, we were cool.


At 12:19 PM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

Ahhh, the egg factory. I remember how you hated it well. I still don't know how you worked all that time during high school AND went to school at the same time without going crazy!

I'm with you on the dishes - I can't stand anything in the sink. I think I'm getting like Gramma - I clean off the table before people are even finished eating and have everything in the dishwasher before the official 'end' of dinner! I don't think I could live without a dishwasher now.

At 5:59 PM, Blogger Dale said...

Dear Janey

I love the egg story.

Did you hear about the boy who lost his gum in the chicken coop?
It took him 10 tries to find it...

I'm a bit of a clean dishes fanatic, too. We have a dishwasher.

My brother, who lives in Wakefield, ON, became a proffessional pianist & now teaches kids privately.
He also makes shaker furniture & does photography to support his "music career".

Did you ever feel guilty about smoking all those cigars?...

Yay, we're kicking butt in Italy!!



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