Monday, October 24, 2005

Rachel and The Boots Mission

These are actually two separate topics, but I'm supposed to be working ......

1. Due to my blathering on and on about (a) my favourite show of "In the Attic" aka the Rachel and Mikey Show and (b) my winning the prize on said show, here is the link to Rachel's Blog. Those interested in seeing "In the Attic" needs to scroll down a few entries to where she has the WHOTV link.

DO NOT forget to also check out her album at - the samples should get you hooked!

2. What prize you ask? I was the quiz winner on "Attic" this past week and am VERY stoked. I won a WHO t-shirt and a striped jumper dress. My weight is falling off finally and hopefully, if it doesn't fit now, it will before long. I've been on a mission though to get a new pair of knee-high boots, but all the ones I like are sold out :( I think I drove Shannon nuts this weekend going to every single store I could think of. There's one pair that I am considering that I found today, but I'll wait on the dress to see how they look - pretty much any black boot will go with my slitted skirts and my short green dress.

Rachel - if you pop over here, thanks again for all you do for your fans.


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