Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Proud Parent

I promised myself I wouldn't turn into one of those gushing parents .....

First, thanks to everyone who commented here or emailed me admiring the baby. He's such a joy.

Second, I am so thrilled that it has now been 2.5 days and he has yet to mess in the house - why I mention this trivial thing is that the bathroom door was not closed correctly last night when hubby went to bed and this was only discovered when I got up this morning. I dreaded what I might find - messes from the puppy, chewed computer wires, couch in shreds. Nothing. The only sign he wasn't in his bed all night was the fact that his stuffed frog was in the family room. I REALLY hope this good behaviour continues!

Anyways, couple more pictures - couldn't help myself!


At 8:08 PM, Blogger Dale said...

Dear Janey

Great joke...pepper "eh"!

There is nothing better than being new parents - no matter whether the baby is canine or homo sapien!


At 5:22 AM, Blogger rachel fuller said...

your new baby is adoooorable. i got your email and your prize is on its way. RF

At 8:04 AM, Blogger Dale said...

Hi Janey

I was wondering whether you have snow at all way down south in them thar Smokies!
From your photos, they look beautiful! I have never been that far south in the eastern part of the country, but I've been as far south as Los Angeles/Las Vegas in the west.
I imagine that there needn't be much snow where you are to plug things up, because it is such an unusual event. I remember when I lived in Vancouver for a year or so it snowed once 2" & the whole city ground to a halt!
I see Rachel popped in!

Have a great day!

At 10:57 AM, Blogger Janey said...

Thanks for the compliments on my "son".

Dale - we do get snow here and they've gotten several feet in the past, but I think the worst one since I've lived here was 11 inches in the town I worked in and 1 at home. Just slightly south of us though gets hammered - the road between Johnson City, Tennessee and Ashville, North Carolina frequently closes for heavy snow. I nearly died here though during my first winter - from laughter, because school would be cancelled sometimes for an inch of snow. Of course, where I come from in Ontario is much flatter and so more snow was not as treacherous.

At 12:41 AM, Blogger AlianaDrex said...

Love the baby! Precious!

At 1:58 AM, Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

So cute!!! I love it! LUCKY you my daughter dumped a WHOLE can of Parmesean Cheese on her floor! Thank goodness we own a carpet clean and a great vacuume!

Hope to chat tomorrow!

At 1:32 PM, Blogger Dale said...

Dear Janey

Milk bags!
Now there's a blast from the past!



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