Monday, May 15, 2006


Wow! It's been over a month since I last posted. A lot has happened and frankly, I was burnt out on the computer in general in the evenings.

Kodie recovered from his grooming ordeal. He also survived his double surgery on April 17th. There's a time in every male pup's life when a boy become a man becomes an it. While he was getting sniped, we also had his declaws removed - they are black, very hard to cut and the way he tries to chase squirrels (EVIL CREATURES that DELIBERATELY taunt him), we were afraid he would rip them. The first night I felt like the worst mom on the planet - he was collapsed, pathetically, on his little mat, his ears off to the side, his eyes half shut. When he later got up to go outside, he was walking stiff legged in the front (had little half casts on his front feet) and bow-legged in the back. We didn't want to leave him by himself, so I took him up to bed with me. He spooned in front of me and had ragged breathing, like someone who is silent crying. Every now and then he would whimper softly. The next morning he seemed quite a bit better and by the next day he had completely forgotten that he had had surgery. He also didn't appear to hold a grudge because he got excited at the vet's.

I kept busy all April with work. We had our quarterly earnings and report at the end of the month and put in overtime.

However, in mid-April I started having chest pains. On the second day, I was taken to the hospital for testing. After an EKG, x-ray and bloodwork, they determined that it wasn't anything life-threatening, although it could be anything from a pulled muscle to a viral infection. I've been to the doctor 3 times since, have tried different treatments and am still suffering. Hopefully we'll figure this out soon. It's not nearly as bad as it was, so it might stop as mysteriously as it started.

Right now my parents are here. They came last Sunday and will be here until Saturday. I've taken 3 days off so far and will take one more before they leave. Sadly, it is what is known as "Blackberry Winter" here right now. We tend to have 3 cold spells in the spring and this is the third of them. Luckily, we have had a couple of days where the rain has held off and we've been able to spend time in Knoxville on the river and enjoy some hiking.

The day they leave is my MS walk. I've been really blessed by good friends all over the States and Canada (several whom I have never even met in person!) who have donated generously to the cause. I've surpassed my goal and it means so much to me that we've been able to do this.

That brings you up to date!


At 4:36 PM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

Awwww, poor Kodie-boy! Thank goodness for a puppy's forgetfulness. Sam never forgvies me for taking him to the vet, just for a little shot, and he was really mad when I had his teeth cleaned. Cats - they NEVER forget, and they make sure YOU know they never forget.

Well, all I can say is good luck with your bizarre chest pains. Maybe they will go away - who knows? It's got to be so frustrating when they can't tell you what's wrong!

Say hi to the 'rents for me. They certainly are the busy travellers, since it seems they were just there to see you recently! That's what happens when you retire - you become fun again. *rolling my eyes* Mom and Dad are always doing stuff, stuff we'd never do when I was a kid!!

At 6:03 PM, Blogger Janey said...

I'm going to the doctor again on Monday. It's not overly painful, but can be quite uncomfortable. Weirdness.

It's actually been 9 months since the units were here and probably will be 18 months before they are back. They had trips planned to both east and west coast, but now they have invested money in Ben's venture, so they've put that on hold. They are heading back home tomorrow morning - hopefully they won't take my little guy with them!!


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