The end is nearing!!
I still don't feel like blogging much, but I thought I would post an updated picture (or at least, the timeline). I'm now over 34 weeks and she is measuring over 36! Hope she doesn't get too much bigger! In less than 3 weeks she will be classified as full term, although still just under 6 weeks until her due date. I can't wait to have my body back!!! (click on the pic to go to the source and see a bigger version)

Janey, you'll get your body back - and much more...
Holy crow - are you sure it's not twins in there?????
Dale - I've decided my goal after the baby comes (although done in moderation as I will be breastfeeding) is to become MILF-like (if you haven't seen American Pie, a MILF is a "Mom I'd Like to F&^*"). I say MILF-like as I won't be a TRUE MILF, just a hot mom. But most important, I will have my sweet baby girl!
Mar - and I've still got 6 weeks to grow! Until last week, everyone told me how small I was compared to most pregnant people!
Is she here yet??
Not yet, although we are now on day-to-day watch!
Congratulations, Janey and Shannon!!
Looking forward to photos - when you have time.
Ok, girlie, time to update your blog!! Does that date say June??
I love the photos! Now you will have to take them in a backwards fashion while the lbs drop off LOL! can just report these in reverse order LOL! Oh I crack myself up too much!
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