Saturday, April 08, 2006

My Baby!

My poor little guy - what a traumatic day for him!

Today, rather than wrestling him ourselves in the tub and dealing with all the hair we get out of him, we decided to take him to get groomed at PetSmart. The main reason was to get his nails clipped. We're so nervous about cutting his quick since his claws are black.

We got an appointment for him at 5:00 and actually arrived early. After noticing that they had him entered in with DANNY Hensley's contact information (does he look like a chow?), we left him for the 2 hours that we were told it would take.

Actually it was 2.5 hours after we stopped at my mother-in-law's to drop off her birthday gift. We were feeling guilty, as any parent who goes out and enjoys themself while their child is being tortured would. I went in and asked for him. The woman at the counter went back and HORROR! no one had seen to him yet. They pulled him from his cage, shaking, his little ears laying back. She didn't know whether or not he at least got bathed and almost thought he was until she noticed the dirt on his belly. They asked if we wanted to leave him half an hour longer. Since we were already there and he had already been put through a lot, we agreed.

They did do a wonderful job on him and gave us a premium package for 1/3 the cost of the regular package, but MY POOR ANGEL. Left alone, scared and unbathed for so long without anyone noticing that he wasn't attended to! It's not like it is a big pet saloon! He was mighty pissed off at us and refused to look at Shannon until almost an hour later. We, feeling TERRIBLY guilty, although it wasn't our fault, bought him many treats.

Excuse me, I must go beg for his forgiveness again.

Friday, April 07, 2006

How Well Do You Know Me

I was tagged ...

How well do you know me?? For instance, did you know...

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Egg Grader
2. English / Math Tutor
3. Corporate CPA (accountant)
4. Watkins salesperson

Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. A Christmas Story
2. Office Space
3. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
4. Waking of Ned Devine

Three places I have lived:
1. Bainsville, ON (Canada)
2. St. Catharines, ON (Canada)
3. Kingsport, TN

Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. CSI
2. MadTV
3. What Not to Wear (British Version)
4. In the Attic (actually webcast)

Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Salzberg, Austria
2. Las Vegas, NV
3. San Diego, CA
4. Toronto, Canada

Four websites I visit daily:
1. Hotmail
2. Sparkpeople
3. Delphi
4. Rachel Fuller's blog

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Apple Crisp
2. Shrimp
3. sweet and sour chicken
4. fudge

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. In Bed
2. Wolf Den (retreat in Ontario)
3. Beach
4. camping

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Attack of the Head Cold

What a perfect time to get sick for the first time in AGES - the week of my 30th birthday and our 6th wedding anniversary. Before I get into that ..


Anyway, I developed a pretty good head cold on Monday. Dayquil became my good friend. I would have called in sick on Tuesday, but that was when the office birthday party for me was planned. Let me make a comment on that too - loved the American/Canadian flag cake the guys got me.

Wednesday, I was a little bit better - although 3 different cakes didn't help me feel great! I had leftovers from the day before, they had a surprise 30th birthday party (decorated my cube in black) for me and Shannon had a small surprise birthday party for me. Turning 30 wasn't all that bad!

The next day was not too bad coldwise - I survived the business etiquette course and the baby shower for a coworker, but crashed early at home.

Friday, I took off - we were thinking of going away this weekend for our anniversary, but my cold knocked me on my butt. I was absolutely dragging - although it could have just been a sugar crash for not having cake for the first time in 4 days! We decided just to hang around here.

Ironically, I am much better today!