Friday, May 19, 2006

Walking For Linda - Update

Blue Ridge Chapter MS Walk
May 20th, 2006

Well, tomorrow is the day of my walk. I've still got some weird chest pains going on, so it looks like I will just do the 3 mile course instead of the 6 mile course. There are over 100 walkers scheduled to walk. The coordinator sent out an email looking for volunteers, so I'm going early to help with registration and Shannon will be helping with set up, handing out shirts at the start and handing out fruit and water to walkers. Not bad for both of us being first timers! This chapter really tries to get people involved - unlike the Tennessee chapter that never did respond to my email to volunteer (for the third year). There wasn't any press on the Kingsport walk either. Sad.

Anyway, the good news - thanks to family and friends (including internet friends that I've never actually met!) I've raised $630! The average walker raises $198 and I had set my first goal at $250, thinking that I wouldn't get a lot of donations. Not only did all kinds of people donate, I was overwhelmed by some of the levels. For those of you who did - again, thank you so much! It is so wonderful to be able to help local people with MS and help with the funding for MS research.

Didn't read my story and my reason for walking? You can access my personal page here:


At 7:24 PM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

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At 7:24 PM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

Have fun and take it easy, girlie - it's a great cause, but you don't want to aggrivate the chest pains! Is Kodie walking with you?

(sorry, I posted as Sammy above and deleted it!)

At 7:27 PM, Blogger Janey said...

Kodie needs to get back blogging - he might follow Sammy's example!

He's my little walking buddy. I just hope that we can keep him under control for the first 1 1/2 - 2 hours while we help set up. We're still not 100% sure if he's coming because of that.

I think part of the reason Shannon agreed to help is to keep an eye on me - he won't let me go too hard.

At 4:19 PM, Blogger Janey said...

Thanks, Stina! A good time was had by all. I managed 4.5 miles and would have done another mile, but Shannon's rest station was at the far end of one of the loops and he looked lonely, so on the 4th time, I stopped and hung out with him until the end.


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