Sunday, October 15, 2006

Run of Bad Luck

They say that bad luck comes in 3s so hopefully I am safe for now .....

1. My sister-in-law, already in poor health due to very little liver function, contracted e. coli from spinach and due to her weakened immune system is not getting well very fast.

2. My poor baby darling niece was in a car accident. A vehicle ran a red light while she was driving through the intersection and smashed into her car on the driver's side. It was a strong enough impact that the wheel was pushed up under the engine, the driver's window was smashed out and the windshield busted. She needed stitches in her hand from the broken glass and the airbag burned her arm and her lip - all things that shouldn't take long to heal. However, it turns out that she is suffering from soft tissue damage in her chest, back and neck and probably has a broken back near her tailbone. She's in terrible pain still 2 weeks later and is going to have to be in rehab for the next 4 months at least. She wasn't allowed to drive or be on the bus/subway for the first little bit, so couldn't get to class (although she could have taken a taxi and the insurance would have paid) and when she did make it to class over a week later, she only lasted the first hour of three because she was in such pain. Turns out she shouldn't be sitting more than an hour at a time (and the drive is close to that in traffic), so she can't work or go to school for a while.

3. Then there's Dad. When Dad was approaching retirement, he was dreading it. What would he do with his time? Gardening and reading could only take up so much time. Well ... my parents are NEVER home. He found a passion for curling a couple of years ago and started raising Seeing Eye dogs for the first year - year and a half of their lives. 2 weeks ago, Dad headed down to the rink to curl. They had just laid new ice down. He slipped and fell, breaking his left shoulder and elbow. It must also be mentioned that he is left handed and his right arm is not very good due to a teenage bout with polio. So curling is out, as well as the current puppy. I must say this for Dad though - he'll probably come out of this stronger (probably literally) then he was before. He was given challenges with the polio and far surpassed the experts predictions. If anything good has to come of this, the rehab/therapy will probably be really beneficial to both arms and not just the fractured one.

So, bottom line, if you are a pray-er, please pray for them. If you are not, please keep them in your thoughts.


At 8:12 PM, Blogger Janey said...

Someone (and none of the witnesses were sure if it was the real driver or not) ran from the vehicle with a bottle of alcohol. The guy claiming to be the driver was charged on the spot - not sure how badly he was going to get punished, but I know his license was taken away right then.


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