Sunday, August 13, 2006


The heat and humidity have finally gone down a little. Since we had a few hours to ourselves today (although not long enough) we drove an hour and a quarter to Roan Mountain to take that guy (aka Kodie, aka the pup) hiking. For the most part, Roan Mountain is at least a few degrees cooler than here. The forecast was for 85F here, 75F in Roan Mountain and beautiful skies both places. Well, as you can see from the pictures below, the skies part wasn't entirely accurate (although it became so just as we were leaving). The temperature was a perfect 66F, which was chilly at first for me in my tank top, but was ideal once we got hiking. We went to Carver's Gap on the Tennessee / North Carolina border and hiked for an hour and 10 minutes. I would have loved to have gone on longer, but my father-in-law was cooking supper. We did hit 'Round Bald', which is at 5,826 feet. At least with the cloud cover, it wasn't hazy and we were actually able to see further than if it had been sunny. The view was beautiful, although the pictures I snapped do not do it justice.

This section of Roan Mountain is on the Appalacian Trail. The Trail goes from Maine to Georgia, and there are several places in this area through which it crosses. Eventually, I would like to hit as many of those places as possible.


At 8:59 PM, Blogger Vallypee said...

Hi Janey, what a beautiful place to be only an hour's drive from! It looks rather similar to parts of Scotland. Sometimes I miss the mountains so much. Living in Holland gives a new dimension to the wod Thanks for stopping by my blog again. I felt a bit guilty that it's so long since I came here, as I always see you on Mary Beth's. I'll pay a bit more attention to that in future...definitely!

At 5:24 AM, Blogger Janey said...

Thanks, Val. One of the reasons I was able to adapt to living here (after moving from Canada) was that I just love the mountains. I said to someone not long ago that I really wanted to visit Scotland and Ireland and they looked at me funny and said "Why, it looks like here but rainier!"

At 5:16 PM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

Wow, what a great view! I bet the little one enjoyed sniffing all the new things. I'm surrpised he could go for over an hour - little paws get tired! Aunt Monica's Westie can walk for about 1/2 hour before he's completely exhausted and you have to carry him. Not sure if that's due to size or spoiled-ness factor, though. I guess Kodie's a bit bigger, anyway.

At 9:18 PM, Blogger Janey said...

Kodie's usually good for 3-4 miles if the weather isn't too hot. Saturday was quite warm and he only did 3 miles before both of us were getting tired. He's a ball of energy, although he was pretty calm today at the lake.

I hope to get back to Roan Mountain on Sunday

At 6:22 AM, Blogger Vallypee said...

Hi Janey, just to add to your earlier comment. Yes it does look like Scotland, and I'm sure your someone was right when they said it's the same but wetter!


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