Thursday, June 01, 2006


First and foremost, if you are my parents or sister and you haven't talked to Ben since before the evening of the 30th, turn back now.

You've been warned.

Don't blame me if I spoil it for you.

Ben was supposed to phone Mom and Dad just after I talked to him on the 31st.

Still here? You swear you know what I'm about to announce?


For those of you who don't know who that is, Ben is my younger brother, the baby of the family. If you've been following this blog for a while, you may have seen reference to Wolf Den Bunkhouse n Lodging ( - that's his business (officially in 2 weeks!) .

Ben and Robin have been together over 2 years now and on his birthday a couple of days ago, he proposed and she accepted. Knowing the two of them (who are perfectly matched), the wedding/reception will be different. They are both very nature/environmentally oriented and will probably try to incorporate that as much as possible.

No date has been set yet, but it will probably be next spring or sooner. Plus, just because there is no date doesn't mean I can't be utterly thrilled and excited :)


At 10:49 PM, Blogger Dale said...

Dear Janey

Fabulous news!

I always get teary when hearing news like that. I am so happy for all of you.

Re: your comment on my blog about Highway to Hell - I hope you really like your job...


Take care.


At 4:12 PM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

No, NO!! Say it ain't so! Little Benny?? Congratulations to him! That's great news.

Ahhh....little Benny....memories. I remember always telling him he'd be a miner-niner, no matter what grade he was in....picking on him and his bedroom with the great spit episode of 1993.... *L*

At 12:01 AM, Blogger Metalchick said...

Hi Janey,
Tell Benny congratulations!

At 10:01 AM, Blogger Janey said...

Dale/MB/MC: Thanks! I'll pass on your congrats!

Dale: I'd say more often then not, I enjoy my job. I just tend to hear that song more often during the high stress periods!

Mary: I almost forgot about the great spit episode - although every time I see Big Daddy and the little kid is doing that, I think that it must be enhanced since the spit breaks off after a certain time .... It's hard to believe that little Ben and Robertson aren't so little anymore. Think ... hundreds of people depend on Ian all the time.

At 2:25 AM, Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

Hey know every time I try and blog to you I get distracted and keep leaving the computer. Pathetic excuse...but at least it is the truth. So here I sit tonight ready to turn in for bed (once again about to leave) and I just HAD to post and visit you!

I know this is nothing to do with your blog although that is great news...know I am thinking of you and LOVE how you are always so kind and sweet to me!! I also saw you on my dear friend Mystical's blog and thought that was so kind of you to stop by. That blogger has hit a LOT of us so it is really sad! At least you know I am not making up the nutty stories posted and it is NOT me! LOL It is kinda funny now. I have even thought of being silly and changing my blog name to "Chubby" LOL. Ok enough already! At least I can laugh it off.

Well I hope you have a great week! I am pretty busy but will pop by somewhere in the middle for another hello! I DO come to your blog just not always comment! (Check your site meter!)

Loads of kisses and a great big Canadian eh! for you!



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