Thursday, May 25, 2006

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Ok, so I know that is Christmas, but right now is absolutely wonderful too.

I took my little sunshine boy (see his "rays" on his neck?) for a walk tonight after supper. One of the perks of living in northeast Tennessee is that there are so many parks to walk in. This week we've been going to one of the local state parks that has a .75 mile loop on a small island in the lake. A picture may be worth 1,000 words, but I don't think that even a picture would do this justice. The sky was beautiful - mostly blue, but with light grey clouds that were tinged with pink from the sinking sun. The water was perfectly calm, disturbed only by the ducks and geese. The honeysuckle is now out so it was lightly sweet smelling for most of the loop. The mountains were such a wonderful, vibrant green. It was a completely relaxing hour, and it appeared that many other people felt the same way as they were out walking their dogs.

Now hopefully that guy will sleep soundly all night.


At 4:16 PM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

Oh my God, look how he's grown!! I guess I haven't seen a picture in awhile. Sounds like a nice walk - lots to savour before the summer heat sets in! I love May when I can enjoy sleeping with the windows open...not for long, as it's supposed to be 33 tomorrow.

At 7:51 AM, Blogger Janey said...

*sniff* my boy is now a (rotten) teenager. I went walking yesterday and it was 28 - today has a high of 32 and humid. Blech. I'm helping out at a benefit concert tonight so I hope that it will cool down a little. It's not even 9 am and it is 24 here :/


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