Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Nitpick update

I would like to thank Anonymous for pointing out an error I didn't realize I was doing.


Unlike many people on forums who get corrected, I will not get upset and instead I will apply this constructive criticism.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Walking for Linda

Linda is my sister. She has MS.

What if everyday you woke up not knowing if you'd be able to get out of bed or hold your child? For many people with multiple sclerosis, this is their reality.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) usually strikes adults in the prime of life - between the ages of 20 and 50. It is a chronic disease of the central nervous system affecting the brain and spinal cord. One new case of MS is diagnosed every hour. It comes and goes unpredictably, leaving people to wonder, "Will I become paralyzed, blind or have trouble walking? Will I be able to raise my family and continue my career?"

I am joining in the fight against this devastating disease. On May 20th I will be participating in the MS Walk in Bristol, VA. I have a goal of raising at least $ 200 to support the National MS Society. I am asking for your help in making my goal. Please click here to view my page for more on my sister and to sponsor me online today. Every dollar means that we are a step closer to a cure.

Thank you!

Sunday, March 19, 2006


I'm online a fair bit. Some here, some on forums and some on chat. First, I'd like to say that most of my blogging friends type responsibly correctly or better. So this rant is not directed at you.

Let's start with the one that drives me nuts on a daily basis: LOSE. You LOSE weight, people, not LOOSE. Typos happen, but when you repeatedly mix those two up, you kind of come across as uneducated.

YOUR, YOU'RE, UR. I can forgive the last one in text messages. I can even forgive it on a fast paced chat when you are (or you're) speaking to several people at once. Please, don't use it on message boards when you do have time to properly spell it out. It just really annoys a lot (alot? allot? I'm not going to get into this one - it's the most minor nit) of us. Again, if you mix up "your" and "you're" once in a while, mix-ups happen. If you repeatedly use it, please take a refresher course.

THEIR, THEY'RE, THERE. Not going to repeat the occasional slip-up, but again, all the time?

Anyways, the "loose" / "lose" one is what drove me to madness this morning. Yes, I'm a little anal. Sadly, when I took a business writing class a couple of weeks ago, several of my coworkers really didn't know proper grammar either. Is it a regional thing? A country thing? I'd think that it may be due to the fact that I used to devour books when I was younger, but one of the worst in the class reads a great deal. At least I am comforted in that their emails never bug me as some of the boards I read.

Alright, commence picking through this post for all my errors!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Sweet and Psycho - my pup

Ok, so here's another post already. See, that's how I get in the mood - I post that I'm not!

This is my sweet angel boy showing his alternate personality.



My boys

Not in a blogging frame of mind

I appologize, 4 or 5 of you out there, that I do not post with any kind of regularity on here any more. I'm in an internet funk, I guess. Part of it is that I am having neck/shoulder issues - a 1 hour and 20 minute massage earlier this week went a long way to help, but even now I feel the pain starting to radiate from that point again. Part of it is that I spend so much time on the computer for work that I've lost interest in playing on my boards, email or here after work. Part of it is that I am working out a lot more and am getting home a lot later.

So here's my summary for the moment: life is good, life is busy, miss you all.